Doc Hunsley’s Resource List!
As one of the national experts on special needs resources, Doc is consistently asked for his opinions and expertise in specific areas.
Check out his list of resources in these areas:
- Book Recommendations
The Circle Maker
by Mark Batterson
The God Ask
by Steve Shadrach
A Spirituality of Fundraising
Workbook Edition
by Henri M. Nouwen
- Mental Health | Depression | Trauma
- Suffering | Grief | Aging
- Marriage
- Special Education Resources
ABA Program – Online Resource for Teachers, Students and Parents
- General Information
- Autism Spectrum Disorder in the Inclusive Classroom by Barbara Boroson
- Carly’s Voice: Breaking Through Autism by Arthur Fleischmann with Carly Fleishmann
- I Am Strong: The Life and Journey of an Autistic Pastor by Lamar Hardwick
- Kids in the Syndrome Mix of ADHD, LD, Autism Spectrum, Tourettes’s, Anxiety, and More – 2nd Ed by Martin L. Kutscher, M.D.
- Loud Hands: Autistic People, Speaking by The Autistic Self Advocacy Network
- Not So Different: What You Really Want to Ask About Having a Disability by Shane Burcaw
- Nuts & Bolts of Inclusive Education by Barbara Newman
- One Step at a Time: ABA and Autism in the Classroom
- The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time by Mark Haddon
- The Joy of Signing by Lottie Riekehof
- Loving Our Own Bones: Disability Wisdom and the Spiritual Subversiveness of Knowing Ourselves Whole by Julie Watts Belser
Special Needs Ministry
- Accessible Gospel, Inclusive Worship by Barbara Newman
- Autism and Alleluias by Kathleen Deyer Bolduc
- Autism and Your Church: Nurturing the Spiritual Growth of People with Autism Spectrum Disorder by Barbara Newman
- Body Building – Devotions to Celebrate Inclusive Community by Barbara Newman
- Disability & the Gospel: How God Uses Our Brokenness to Display His Grace by Michael S. Beates
- Every Child Welcome: A Ministry Handbook for Including Kids with Special Needs by Katie Wetherbee and Jolene Philo
- Helping Kids Include Kids with Disabilities – revised by Barbara Newman
- Including People with Disabilities in Faith Communities by Erik W. Carter
- Inclusion Handbook, Everybody Belongs, Everybody Serves edited by Terry A DeYoung and Mark Stephenson
- Leading A Special Needs Ministry: A Practical Guide to Including Children and Loving Families by Amy Fenton Lee
- Mental Health & the Church by Dr. Stephen Grcevich
- Same Lake, Different Boat: Coming Alongside People Touched by Disability by Stephanie Hubach
- Sibshops: Workshops for Siblings of Children with Special Needs by Don Meyer and Patricia Vadasy
- Special Needs Smart Pages by Joni & Friends
- The Irresistible Church Series by Joni & Friends – FREE downloads at – Also available in Spanish!
- Start with Hello: Introducing your Church to Special Needs Ministry
- We’ve Got This!: Providing Respite for Families Affected by Disability
- Engaging Game Changers Recruiting and Coaching Volunteers for Disability Ministry
- Call Me Friend: Building Compelling Relationships Through One-On-One Ministry
- Pathways to Belonging: Creating Inclusive Ministry Environments for All Ages
- Shout for Joy! Engaging the Whole Church for Accessible Worship
- Are You Ready? A Personal Guide to Disability Ministry for the Reluctant Leader
- Doing Life Together: Building Community for Families Affected by Disability
- Responding to Compassion: Navigating Challenging Behaviors in Special Needs Ministry
- Go Make Disciples: Embracing People Affected by Disability Through Mentoring Relationships
- Helping with Life Transitions: Engaging Young Adults with Disabilities into the Life of Your Church
- Beyond Our Church Walls: Bridging the Gap to Those Affected by Disability
- Fearfully and Wonderfully by Paul Brand and Philip Yancey
- Jesus and Disability: A Guide to Creating an Inclusive Church by Chris Hulshof
- How Ableism Fuels Racism: Dismantling the Hierarchy of Bodies in the Church by Lamar Hardwick
- My Body Is Not a Prayer Request: Disability Justice in the Church – by Amy Kenny
- Disability and the Church: A Vision for Diversity and Inclusion –by Lamar Hardwick
- Special Needs Ministry Curriculum – Children
- Ability Ministry: Currently has 3 series: God has a Plan for Me; Generosity, and God is Real; and a VBS curriculum: The Greatest Party Ever. Curriculum is all digital and easy to download. It is good for either small group or a Sunday School class setting. Easy to use, the PowerPoint lessons include a Bible memory verse which you also learn in sign language, and discussion questions. Perfect for elementary.
- Bethesda Ministries (Bethesda Lutheran Community) – Time With God Devotional Series: Holidays and Celebration, Living with Jesus, Learning with Jesus, People and Stories from the Bible Vol 1 & 2; Building on the Rock Curriculum: Confirmation, Baptism, Communion, Commandments, the Lord’s Prayer. All written for all ages at a 3rd-4th grade level.
- Chirp: by Christie Priem (a speech pathologist) – written for children with cognitive and language disorders. It is highly visual. 4 units: 1. Who is God? 2. Who is Jesus? 3. Living Life with Jesus 4. The Holy Spirit Changes Me. Each lesson is a 4 week format. It is concept based and created in partnership with Mayer-Johnson Boardmaker using their icons in all of the classroom materials. Written from a child’s perspective and created to help verbal learners understand biblical truths.
- Finding God: Produced by Loyola Press – Catholic Based; designed for 1st-8th grade. Also in Spanish. Has three levels:
- Regular: neurotypical individuals
- Adapted: hands on – good for special needs individuals
- Modified: good for those who are learning disabled
- Heartshaper: By Standard; Special Needs “friendly” symbol in each lesson to mark activities geared towards special needs ages 1-12 y/o.
- Lifeway: Bible Studies for Life: Kids Special Buddies: 1st-6th grade level; activities are sensory based and already have built-in modifications that you see when trying to adapt traditional curriculum. Matches up to LifeWay’s mainline curriculum, Bible Teaching for Kids. Available by the quarter.
- Special Needs Ministry Curriculum – Teen/Adults
- Ability Ministry: Currently has 6 series: Emotions, Friendship, God & Me, P.A.L.S (Pray, Act, Learn, Serve), Prayer, and Seasonal (Christmas and Easter); and a sermon: Jesus the Author of Disability. Curriculum is all digital and easy to download. It is good for either small group or a Sunday School class setting. Easy to use, the PowerPoint lessons include a Bible memory verse which you also learn in sign language, and discussion questions. None of the curriculum is childish or animated! Perfect for teens/adults.
- Access: Lifeway: excellent – written for adults (6th grade up). Purchase curriculum on a quarterly basis for a 5 year study plan. Places an emphasis on applying practical biblical truths to everyday life. Has leader and learner guides.
- Bethesda Ministries (Bethesda Lutheran Community) – Time With God Devotional Series: Holidays and Celebration, Living with Jesus, Learning with Jesus, People and Stories from the Bible Vol 1 & 2; Building on the Rock Curriculum: Confirmation, Baptism, Communion, Commandments, the Lord’s Prayer. All written for all ages at a 3rd-4th grade level. Adult friendly graphics.
- Beyond Limits: By Linda Smith – written for adults – Vol 1 based on Matthew, Vol 2 based on Mark, Luke, and John. Each volume has 52 lessons. Material comes on a USB drive and includes lessons, visuals, and handouts. Videos to go with the lessons must be purchased separately.
- Finding God: Produced by Loyola Press – Catholic Based; designed for 1st-8th grade. Also in Spanish. Has three levels:
- Regular: neurotypical individuals
- Adapted: hands on – good for special needs individuals
- Modified: good for those who are learning disabled
- Light & Power Company: by Jeff McNair – written for adults – Vol 1 = Psalms; Vol 2 = Romans; deeper level theologically
- See Jesus: excellent – written for adults by a parent(6th grade and up). Curriculum is interactive and hands-on with the student. Currently has five lessons available (56 lessons).
- Together: by Friendship Ministries: 5 units available (34 lessons). Online lessons geared for adults. Has two parallel tracks for study, one for neurotypical individuals and one for disability ministry – great for allowing inclusion.
- Video Recommendations
- Inclusion Tool Box: 52 Practical Ideas to Include Individuals with Disabilities Presented by Barbara Newman produced by All Belong.
- Making Room: Cultivating Communities of Inclusion G.L.U.E. Training DVD Presented by Barbara Newman produced by All Belong. Includes DVD and Manual.
- Surviving to Thriving: Successfully Including the Child with Special Needs by Amy Fenton Lee, Orange, 2012.